As Warner Bros. is trying to figure out how to best bring the Dark Knight back to the big screen upon the completion of Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight" series, DC Comics is going the "Batman Begins" route and starting from scratch... sort of.
DC will revisit the origins of the Caped Crusader in "Batman: Zero Year," an 11-issue arc that will commence in June. Written by Scott Snyder and illustrated by Greg Capullo, "Zero Year" will offer a few new twists on the tried-and-true Bruce Wayne backstory without serving as a complete do-over.
"It's not 'Let's redo the origin,'" said Snyder to Daily Freeman. "We tried to preserve as much of Batman's history as we could and keep what we could of this history intact. It's 'The Zero Year,' the one that no one has told the story of before. We see how Bruce became the Batman, built the cave, faced off with his first super villain."
We have heard that story before, and many times, though Snyder is speaking specifically in the context of DC's "The New 52," a gargantuan revamp and relaunch of all of DC's major titles and characters that commenced in September 2011. Despite some grumblings from DC purists, "The New 52" has proven extremely successful... and something of a relief from the hopelessly convoluted and contradictory DC history that built up over the decades before it.
DC will revisit the origins of the Caped Crusader in "Batman: Zero Year," an 11-issue arc that will commence in June. Written by Scott Snyder and illustrated by Greg Capullo, "Zero Year" will offer a few new twists on the tried-and-true Bruce Wayne backstory without serving as a complete do-over.
"It's not 'Let's redo the origin,'" said Snyder to Daily Freeman. "We tried to preserve as much of Batman's history as we could and keep what we could of this history intact. It's 'The Zero Year,' the one that no one has told the story of before. We see how Bruce became the Batman, built the cave, faced off with his first super villain."
We have heard that story before, and many times, though Snyder is speaking specifically in the context of DC's "The New 52," a gargantuan revamp and relaunch of all of DC's major titles and characters that commenced in September 2011. Despite some grumblings from DC purists, "The New 52" has proven extremely successful... and something of a relief from the hopelessly convoluted and contradictory DC history that built up over the decades before it.
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